Take a Stand! Pro/Con Resources

By Christine Shore
Published on 11 March, 2016

Are you working on an argumentative research paper or persuasive speech? CSN Library Services has three databases just right for you!

Opposing Viewpoints in Context contains essays that argue for or against a variety of contemporary social issues. You can conveniently link to articles on your topic from magazines, journals, newspapers and other sources.

Issues and Controversies on File offers objective, detailed information on hotly debated issues with clear explanations of what both supporters and opponents might argue.

CQ Researcher provides in-depth reports on current and controversial issues with overviews, background information, pro/con essays and more.

You can use all of these database 24/7 from on or off campus. When you find a source, be sure to look for the citation tool—it will create the MLA or APA formatted citation for your Works Cited/Reference page. Isn’t that nice?

If you need help, just ask a librarian.