For Faculty: New Ebooks on Timely Topics

Christine Shore

Winter break is a great time to discover the many online resources available through CSN Libraries that can help with teaching and working in a college environment! We are constantly adding new ebooks to our CSN Libraries online collections--below are some newly published additions:

Active Learning in College Science ebook

Active Learning in College Science: The Case for Evidence-Based Practice by Joel Mintzes and Emily Walter, 2020. Presents outstanding cases of exemplary practice supported by solid evidence, offering models of teaching and learning that encourage and support meaningful learning and conceptual understanding in the natural sciences. Geared toward faculty who teach undergraduate science at community and technical colleges, as well as 4-year liberal arts institutions, comprehensive regional campuses and flagship research universities.

Food Insecurity ebook

Food Insecurity on Campus: Action and Intervention by Katharine Broton, Clare Cady and Sara Goldrick-Rab, 2020. Essays by a diverse set of authors, each working to address food insecurity in higher education. Describes unique approaches and insights into the most promising strategies to combat student hunger, including creating campus pantries, emergency aid programs, meal voucher initiatives and leveraging public benefits and nonprofit partnerships.

Student Engagement Techniques ebook

Student Engagement Techniques: A Handbook for College Faculty (2nd Edition) by Elizabeth Barkley, 2020. Includes over one hundred tips, strategies and techniques that have been proven to help college teachers across all disciplines motivate and connect with their students. This edition will provide a deeper understanding of what student engagement is, demonstrate new strategies for engaging students, uncover implementation strategies for engaging students in online learning environments and provide new examples on how to implement these techniques into STEM fields.

Working From Home E-book

Working From Home: Making the New Normal Work for You by Karen Mangia, 2020. Explains in detail how to turn even the smallest of living spaces into the ideal remote work environment. Create personalized time management routines designed specifically for remote productivity, impact and balance. Deal with Zoom fatigue, burnout and isolation, via untapped new strategies for connection and team-building. Discover how to deliver powerful virtual presentations and build career impact online, with expert communication strategies designed for an online world.

For help finding more ebooks or exploring our ebook databases, just ask a librarian!