Finding Books Using Call Numbers

Emily Pattni

If you are visiting any of the three CSN Libraries, you may have noticed that we have many rows of books. Libraries assign call numbers to each book to help you find where they are located on the shelf. The call number is located on the spine of each book, in order alphabetically and then numerically:

NLV Call Numbers


If you are looking up the name of a book using the CSN Libraries Website, you will find the call number located after the library location:



Call numbers are assigned according to the Library of Congress Classification System. The letters represent specific classes and subclasses such as P for Language and Literature and PS for American Literature. To read a call number on a book, go one line at a time.


Sample Call Number

     Read the first line in alphabetical order, listed from right to left (PA before PS).


     Read the second line as a whole number, in order numerically, from low to high.


     Read the third line in alphabetical order and the number as a decimal. (.353 before .79)


     If there are more than three lines, continue to read in alphabetical and then numerical order.


     The final number usually represents the year that the book was published.


If you would like assistance finding a book, there is always a librarian at the reference desk ready to help or you can send us a chat for online help!