It’s Time for New Furniture

By Ted Chodock
Published on 8 August, 2023

When you spend time in a CSN library, we want you to have an awesome place to sit down. For several years, we have been updating furniture, adding comfortable chairs, collaborative couches, and cozy corners. While the North Las Vegas Campus library has loads of new furniture and the Henderson campus has a whole new library, the Charleston Campus Library has been patiently waiting. Now its time has come!

To get this right, we’ve been listening to you. Your ideas and preferences, from the North Las Vegas Campus Library and Henderson Campus Library space surveys, have been incorporated into the furniture designs. At the same time, students increasingly using online materials, such as eBooks and streaming films, has freed up beautiful spaces that had housed books, such as the atrium at the back of the Charleston Campus Library. Now, fourteen semi-private individual desks, a large, curved couch, and chairs with ottomans will traverse this space. You’ll find lots of USB ports and outlets there too, so you can plug in and charge your devices while you study. Beat the rush! Before the Fall semester begins, head straight to the back of the library or check out the upgrades through the library’s panoramic windows from the tree-lined walking area.