Library Recognition for Jennifer Reyes-Lopez and Ted Chodock

By Maggie Harris
Published on 25 August, 2023

Congratulations to CSN Libraries first recognition award winners! This past year was the first year CSN Libraries began a recognition award program. Nominations were made by library patrons and fellow library faculty and staff.

Jennifer Reyes-Lopez is the winner of our first Putting Students First Award. This award is nominated by library patrons for work excellence in service to library patrons. Jennifer has been with CSN Libraries since 2017. She is a Library Assistant at the North Las Vegas campus and is extremely dedicated to our students. They have said that Jennifer “is a kind and hardworking woman. She always greets us with a smile. We love interacting with her before and after our study sessions. She always finds interest in how/what we are doing, which is so thoughtful.” They’ve said she “never gets tired of seeing me, she’s always prepared and attentive. Jennifer makes my studying less bleak, and she deserves the best.”

Our first Staff Excellence Award winner is Ted Chodock. This award is nominated by fellow library faculty and staff for work excellence and workplace contributions including kindness, compassion, and respect for others. Ted has been at CSN Libraries since 2010. He serves as the Charleston Campus Lead Librarian and is a reference and instruction librarian. His nominators called him a “natural leader” and a “mentor.” “He has prioritized hearing from the students themselves through surveys and focus groups” and “created a great work culture at the Charleston campus library. He is friendly, approachable, and lets everyone know that he cares.”

Thank you to everyone who nominated our faculty and staff for these awards. We are beginning a new round of nominations for the 23-24 academic year. Please click this link ( to nominate and recognize a library faculty or staff member for their hard work. Nomination forms are also available in person at each campus library. The nomination process will run throughout the academic year and close on July 30th. Winners are announced at the annual CSN Libraries Staff Day.

Ted Chodock, Staff Excellence Award Winner                           Jennifer Reyes-Lopez, Putting Students First Award Winner