Sexual Assault Awareness Month Resources

Torri Kellough

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. CSN Libraries provides access to valuable topical items in its collection of electronic resources including notable items listed below. Explore more information at the National Sexual Violence Resource Center or your CSN campus library.

Title: Rape and Dating Violence: Your Questions Answered

Author: Lee A. Ritscher

Location: EBSCOhost database

Details: Answers readers' questions about rape and dating violence and provides guidance and resources for anyone who has experienced rape or other forms of relationship violence

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Title: Handbook of Interpersonal Violence and Abuse Across the Lifespan

Editor: Robert Geffner

Details: Discusses the impact of interpersonal violence and contextualizes recent research and practice guidelines

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Title: Every 90 Seconds: Our Common Cause Ending Violence Against Women

Author: Anne P. DePrince

Details: A comprehensive look at violence against women and its impact on communities

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Title: Sexual Assault on the College Campus: The Role of Male Peer Support

Authors: Martin D. Schwartz and Walter S. DeKeseredy

Details: Investigates the factors associated with male peer support for sexual assault on college campuses