Celebrate Women’s History Month, by delving into some incredible films highlighting the remarkable achievements of women available in our collection of electronic resources. Some important films are spotlighted below, and more are available in the Kanopy database’s Notable Figures in Women’s History collection. Also check out the CSN Women’s Alliance website for college events you can join happening throughout the month of March.
Title: Zora Neale Hurston: Claiming A Space
Director: Tracy Heather Strain
Location: Kanopy database
Details: Explores the writer’s anthropological work and its contributions around race, gender, and culture.
Title: Patsy Mink: Ahead of the Majority
Director: Kimberlee Bassford
Location: Kanopy database
Details: Tells the formidable story of the first woman of color and Asian American woman elected to congress.
Title: The Judge
Director: Erika Cohn
Location: Kanopy database
Details: Examines the heroic journey of the first woman appointed to the Middle East’s Shari’a courts.
Title: Dolores
Director: Peter Bratt
Location: Kanopy database
Details: Chronicles the life of a powerhouse labor and social justice activist who was a co-founder in the first farm workers union.
Title: Sandra Day O’Connor: The First
Director: Michelle Ferrari
Location: Kanopy database
Details: Reflects on the 25-year legacy of the first woman appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court.