Put Your Textbook on Reserve
Course reserves can be personal or library-owned books, textbooks or other supplemental materials. Reserve materials are for in-library use and limited check-out periods to ensure availability to students in your classes. Reserve material records are accessed via our online library catalog under title, course number and/or instructor name.
To ensure that your material is available to your students when needed, please allow a minimum of 5 working days for processing your reserve materials.
Putting Library Owned Items on Reserve
If the library already owns a copy of the textbook you want to place on reserve, please contact the circulation desk at your campus library and we will put it on reserve for your course.
No library reference materials, periodicals, or interlibrary loaned materials may be placed on reserve.
Putting Personal or Departmental Items on Reserve
If you would like to make a personal or departmental copy of a book available, bring the reserve materials to a library circulation desk along with a completed Reserve Request Form.
Please complete one form for each course you want the item to be put on reserve for. It is important to specify the whether the item is a departmental or personal copy, the loan period and the date the material is to be removed from the reserve collection, so we can ensure the materials are returned to you after they are no longer needed.
You can pick up your personal reserve materials after the date you specified for removal from the reserve collections, or we can send the material back to you via campus mail by request.
We do not assume responsibility for instructor's copies not returned by students.
VHS Videos, DVDs and all readings photocopied from books or journals placed on reserve will contain a copyright notice. The library will not put items on reserve that are illegally copied.
Current Textbooks
It is important for students to have copies of current course textbooks placed on reserve at each campus on which the course is offered. Many of our students are unable to afford copies of their new textbooks and often textbooks are unavailable in our campus bookstores at the start of the semester.
Putting copies of your current textbooks on reserve can help your students to successfully keep up with course assignments from the first day of class. Please check with your campus library to see if a copy of your current textbook is already on reserve. If not, please try to get a personal copy to us or, if that is not possible, give us the title and edition and we’ll try to locate a copy.
When possible, the library tries to purchase textbooks that are likely to have high use. You can review our textbook policy for more details.
Open Educational Resources
Open Educational Resources (OER) are any educational resources that can be used by educators that are either in the public domain or have been released under an open license for anyone to freely use and/or repurpose. Because of the open nature of these resources, you can pick and choose what works for your class and modify them as you need to.
OER are powerful teaching tools, but unfortunately finding the best ones to use are tricky because there is no single place to look for them. We suggest searching one of the collections recognized by the Open Professional Education Network or Creative Commons to get started.
If you can't find what you need in these collections, please contact a librarian and we can help you explore.