Meet Flor Macias, Head of Circulation for the Henderson Campus!

Emily Pattni


We would like to extend a huge congratulations to Flor Macias as she joins the Henderson Campus Library as the new Head of Circulation. Prior to this role, you may have met Flor at the library's circulation desk at the North Las Vegas Campus where she has been helping students access the many resources they need to succeed in college! She has answered a few questions to help us get to know her:

Can you tell us a little bit about your time working at CSN Libraries?

I've been working at CSN Libraries for close to a decade as a Library Assistant at the North Las Vegas campus, in varying degrees of the position. Part of the job has been engaging with users and creating a welcoming environment at the circulation desk such as issuing library cards, checking out items, and dealing with tech issues. Primarily though, my job has been overseeing the library student workers from hiring, training, to supervising them day-to-day. It's been a very fulfilling job, especially when hiring student workers who start off a little bit quiet or shy and then seeing their personality and confidence blossom over time. I like taking a little bit of credit for that. Instances like that fueled me to keep going from semester to semester.  

For those who don't know, what is the role of a Library Tech II at the Henderson campus?

The Library Tech II at Henderson campus serves as the Head of Circulation there. Resolving circulation-related issues, managing user concerns, responsible for the day-to-day operations of the department. As well as supervising full-time staff and student workers, all while working in conjunction with the other campus circulation heads to meet the library needs of the CSN community.

What are some things that you are most excited about in this position?

I'm excited to interact and assist a different community, deal with a new set of challenges, and figure out what I can do to continue to push forward student success.

What do you like to do for fun?

It varies on what my obsession is at the time, but it always has some sort of learning aspect to it. Currently, it's watching shows and YouTube videos on home renovations and DIY home servers. Also, watching Jeopardy! in its various incarnations. Hit me up if you're trying to start a bar trivia team; I won't provide you with the correct answer, but I'll "six degrees of Kevin Bacon" you on the subject so you can get to the answer.

If money weren't a factor, what would your dream job be that is not related to libraries?

That's a tough one. I haven't thought about it in a long time. If I could also add life circumstances not being a factor, because I don't think money alone would be the only reason holding me back from the dream job. I guess, I would go back to the childhood dream of practicing Constitutional Law, which then would lead to a U.S. Supreme Court Justice seat.